I’m a Senior Product Designer, passionate about creating simple, delightful, and easy-to-use digital experiences.

A native Texan from Austin, TX.

About me

As a Senior Product designer, I enjoy partnering with my team to drive strategic solutions that solve complex problems. I thrive on connecting the dots between research, product, engineering, and analytics throughout the design process to ensure that consumer voices are heard and business needs are met. I am naturally curious and constantly looking for creative ways to improve my squad’s product experience by championing research, design systems, and accessibility.

My previous role

From 2019 - 2023, I worked as a Senior Product Designer at realtor.com where I focused my attention on improving the consumer-facing mortgage and lending experiences. At the core of it, I helped consumers understand their affordability and connected them with lending professionals.

A brief hiatus

In November of 2023, I walked away from my role to take a break and focus on Asiatic archery. During that time, I co-founded Texas Asiatic Archery and fostered a community that embraces and connects with traditional Asiatic archery, culture, and tradition.

Let’s work together

I am currently open to work as a Senior Product Designer in Austin, TX.

Email me at kristie.bocanegra@gmail.com.

Projects coming soon.